VIP access to the exclusive 'Kickstarter backers-only mini-league' with weekly/monthly prizes.
All the above + access to the exclusive VIP 'Premium prizes Kickstarter backers-only mini-league' with weekly/monthly prizes.
All the above + ad-free annual pass for the app + backer credit on website.
All the above plus an exclusive 'Kickstarter-backer' badge beside your team name + Dream Leagues branded football.
All the above + shout out across our social media channels (and followed of course!) + Dream Leagues branded football shirt.
Why should I help Kickstart this project?
The Dream Leagues Fantasy Football app is already funded and in development (check out the promotional video) - ready to launch this summer.
However, with some extra help from the awesome Kickstarter community we can make it even better for our users from the start!
If we can reach our goal of £10k* we can make the following extra features available:
* iOS version of the app
* Translations of the app and website which should increase the userbase and make the experience more universal.
* Custom avatars and app-skins for users
* Development of a Web version of the game
*Any funding above the target will be put into providing a larger prize fund, including for the exclusive Kickstarter backers-only mini-league with generous prizes.
Thank you for taking interest in our project :)
You can back the project now on the Kickstarter website here: http://kck.st/3ERuSvB